Hello and Welcome to Good Vibes!
Our topic is CONFIDENCE!

Are you tired of feeling insecure and unsure of yourself? 
Do you want to boost your self-esteem and project confidence in every aspect of your life? 

Where will you be in a year if you don't take action and start building your confidence? 5 years? Don't let low self-confidence hold you back from reaching your full potential.

As a Young Living Brand Partner and entrepreneur, I know the importance of being confident in both my personal and professional life. Essential oils have been a powerful tool in helping me to feel grounded, positive, and strong in any situation. With the right mindset and knowledge, you too can achieve unwavering confidence that radiates in every area of your life.

Developing confidence takes commitment and effort, but the rewards are immeasurable. Imagine walking into a room and feeling empowered to take on any challenge, or expressing your true self without fear of judgment. These are just a few of the benefits that come with building confidence.

Don't let fear and insecurity hold you back from reaching your full potential. Take the first step towards a confident future by exploring Young Living's empowering essential oils and resources. With the right tools and mindset, you can take charge of your life and become the confident, successful person you're meant to be.

Building your confidence is like building muscle.  You have to work on it daily.  If you don't work on it your mind will work on you and take you down the rabbit hole feeling lack, low self-esteem, and miserable.  I am sure we can all attest to going down the rabbit hole a time or two; it is not a place I choose to be.

Why do I share this?  Because I was reflecting on where I am at what is holding me back?  What is it that I am choosing for my life and my business?  Don't get me wrong I do have confidence in many areas and in some areas, I need to build that muscle.  Thus the need for this article.

If I am going through this, then so might some of you.  In some areas of your life, you excel and in some areas, you don't, right?

In my soul searching I followed my inner guidance which led me to the Feelings Kit.  

Learn More about the Feelings Kit

Gary Young, Founder of Young Living, has passed on to the Spirit World created a 30-day protocol using the 7 oils day and night, saying an affirmation and applying each oil in a particular place.

I followed this protocol for 15 days as I end up traveling out of town  I didn't have any miraculous happen right away that I knew of but did find I was at peace.  What used to bother me I no longer felt burdened by.  It was very subtle but very profound.  I felt lighter and clear.   I will be doing this again.

Maybe right now you are not at a place to purchase this kit, and that Is ok because we are doing a 30-day challenge with just the release oil, and for the first three days, I was weepy.  I don't know why and that is ok.  We don't have to have everything all figured out.  All we need to do is trust in the process and allow whatever to happen. 

Ultimate Confidence
By Marissa Peer

As I began soul-searching for answers, I heard confidence loud and clear.  So, I did what anyone would do, I googled confidence.  Marissa Peer was among my search and I knew her from her, I AM ENOUGH Ted X Talk she did several years ago. I actually used those words on my business cards not that long ago.  Click the link and listen for yourself.

So upon doing so more research on her, I came across her book Ultimate Confidence and of I course I bought it.  One thing she says is that "Confidence is your birthright...True inner confidence is really all about liking yourself and feeling good about who you really are..."  So many golden nuggets you will have to read it for yourself.  I highly recommend it.  Even if you think you are confident.  I am pretty confident however I know something is holding me back in certain areas of my life and I choose to break through those barriers.

We hope these tips help you on your journey to confidence and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Emotional Exhale Challenge
We still want to help you exhale! 

There is still time to join us!  During the month of June, we want to introduce you to the habit of diffusing daily by giving you all kinds of ideas and tips around Release Oil, the Feelings Kit, and emotional support! From physical to mental support, we use this blend for so many things. Aromatherapy tips, DIYs, and diffuser blends are all coming your way!

  • Breathing deeply
  • Nervous system support
  • Tools for processing emotions
  • Letting go of baggage
  • Allowing your feelings to process and release
  • How to use the Feelings Kit to continue your emotional support process
So what will we do June 1-30?
  • Diffuse Release.
  • Take at least one full minute to slow down and breathe it in.
  • Rewire your brain by speaking truth over your life and heart.
That's it. There's no more to it. Literally will take a minute total, and you will not believe the results! We will also have fun giveaways, recipes, emotional processing tips, videos, and more in our Facebook group as we take a deep breath and choose freedom in our thoughts and health.

We will diffuse Release Essential Oil

Check out the reviews

Join us Monday June 26 @ 6pm Reply:  Emotional Exhale

July is Stress Recovery
Supplements to support your recovery

  • Are you tired of feeling stressed?
  • Does your body feel like it's under constant attack?
  • Do you know there are many ways to support your body during and after stress?
  • Do you see people taking supplements and wish you knew where to begin?
  • Would you like to know that the supplements you're taking are actually helping you?
To prepare you click below for more info.

Lisa Jock