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Loyalty Rewards

I’m so excited to share with you about the brand new Young Living wellness box- Loyalty Rewards!

The Loyalty Rewards or LR is something you absolutely need to know about because there are some things that I think you will love. 

Essentially, this new service caters to those who order monthly from Young Living and also to those who are looking to swap out some chemicals month by month!  

BEST PART… your second month you automatically get a FREE DIFFUSER!
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Monthly orders of 50 PV+ will earn Loyalty Reward points back monthly. I wish I had a megaphone to shout this with!


As a subscriber, you will still earn 10% back during months 1-3, 20% back during months 4-24 and a whopping 25% back on months 25+. 

So for every $100 spent on your subscription, you will earn $10-$25 bucks right back in your pocket, which is equivalent to immediate free products. I’m sorry, y’all, but I can’t stand it when I have to wait forever and a day to redeem my points from a place!! LOL! “Shop here monthly for the next year and eventually you’ll get a peanut!”. NOT YL.. This is truly a great subscription!  within the course of a year I routinely redeem over $1000 in free products AND I get free stuff each month! 

How to shop & save BIG. 

You value quality, clean products that are good for the earth and for people. I’m pretty sure that’s a big reason why you’re here in the first place! Knowing we can get the quality we need from Young Living saves a ton of mental energy and gives peace of mind in and of itself alone… But here is how you do it. 

You shop for your Must Haves. 

What’s a Must Have? Well, it’s a necessity. You know, hand sanitizer. NOT optional! Vitamin C, probiotics, lavender essential oil… Yeah, these are staples that we all need to have on hand all the time. Your list of staples may look a little different than mine based on your household size and some variables. But all in all, we all have our Must Have list! 

Put the items on your Must Have list in your Loyalty Rewards order. 

Must Have List | Wish List

I used to have some serious Wish List items from Young Living…

ART Skin Care line + Sheerlume + the Intensive Moisturizer

Rose essential oil

The Raindrop collection

The Aria diffuser

Kidscents Roll Ons

Well, the Loyalty Rewards points you earn (which rain down like manna once you get past the 3 month’s subscribed mark!) will accumulate and this is what you use to cash out on YOUR Wish List items!

The funny thing about Wish List items is that they often become Must Have items after you try them. I mean, really? Why do we tell ourselves that investing in clean, luxury skin care isn’t a “must have” in the first place? I don’t know but I see people do it all the time! 

I think we know how to prioritize and for those of use who are juggling finances, family, a household…. well, the Roll On collections or Aria or whatever, don’t always make the cut above probiotics & Ningxia Red! And it’s understandable. 

The amazing thing about Young Living is that because the Loyalty Rewards subscription is so generous, you really don’t have to choose. It’s the true beauty of it! 

Personally, I’m loving that I can sit down ONCE and make my 90 day plan for Subscribe to Save. This will so help when it comes down to little challenges I like to give myself, such as implementing a new wellness routine or adding in a new supplement I know my body needs. 

No more yo-yoing with wellness! #hallelujah #easybutton

I wanted to first make sure you really understand what the program is, how it can serve you in real life, and what it could look like for you to start using it. 

I want to highlight some of my favorite no-brainer items to make sure everyone has in their Box on the regular and to also give you a really great free tool you can download.

How to Ditch & Switch

In the Young Living community we often hear a term called “ditch & switch”. This refers to ditching a harsh chemical product that has unwanted side effects and harmful ingredients, and switching to a clean, eco-friendly alternative that is good for you. 


You can “ditch and switch” in one swift purge or do little by little over time. Either way, the Subscribe to Save box is the best way to do this. I want you to have mega freebies and Loyalty Rewards for every positive choice and purchase you make in this direction. 

I don’t want you to miss out on any freebies available, like-ever! 

Scroll through these common YL favorite Dirty Ditch’s and Clean Switches and think through where your personal stash is at with some of these items. 

If you need something you see, make a little note of it for your next Subscribe to Save wellness box. 

The beauty of ditching & switching over time is that after a few months, and even more so, after a year, you will have removed all toxic, harsh chemicals from your home, your personal care routine and your body can be truly functioning on a whole new level of health thanks to it. 

Those baby steps you make can take you so far! 


The beauty of ditching & switching over time is that after a few months, and even more so, after a year, you will have removed all toxic, harsh chemicals from your home, your personal care routine and your body can be truly functioning on a whole new level of health thanks to it. Those baby steps you make can take you so far! 

What I LOVE about Young Living’s product lines is that they are all infused with YL essential oils. We know that the essential oils themselves are the secret weapon, the little ninja-like scrubbing bubbles to our cells, who come in to repair, restore and rejuvenate us on a cellular level. 

Personally, I slather the oils on my body like it’s going out of style!  But by removing the roadblock to our body’s natural detoxification system that most conventional products cause and by replacing those products with clean, essential oil-infused ones, we are essentially getting the best bang for your buck ever. We don’t even “feel it” always, but our body is detoxifying and removing the toxic build up and getting stronger, just by us switching out these products and ushering in the flood of YL essential oils. 

My personal Tip: when building a box you’ll want to start with CORE essentials, like nutritional staples. Think Ningxia Red, Vitamin C, protein powder or probiotics. These are Must Haves. 

Then move on to other necessities. Hand sanitizer, home cleaners, and skin care are what I think are great examples here. 

Lastly, add in your extras that you need. If you’re out of Deep Relief essential oil or if you need another diffuser, these are great extras to add in. Young Living always gives essential oils as free gifts with purchase for $190+ orders. So remember to see what oils are available for free each month, too! 

We are in this together and it’s a beautiful thing to have friends share our journey of health and wellness.  



Did you realized that all the things you are already buying, like toothpaste, laundry soap, hand soap, lotion, cough drops, supplements, granola bars, pancake mix, vitamins, skincare...

Young Living MAKES THOSE!
Except they are way healthier for you, filled with the GOOD stuff, safe ingredients - the ones you can pronounce - all while you could be saving money AND getting other products you want to try for FREE.

We call this transfer buying, because no need to spend MORE money- you are just spending it in a different place- on the things that are way better for you and your family. (So simple and smart!)

Transfer buying is for EVERYONE. It's making the choice to do better, now that ya know better (cause now ya know!)

Of all the health changes to make- this is the MOST IMPORTANT- Kick “fragrance” to the curb

When you see ‘fragrance’ on a personal care product's label, just read it as ‘hidden chemicals.’ Why should you care? This is a major loophole in the FDA's federal law that allows manufacturers to include nearly ANY ingredient (even toxic ones) in their products under the name ‘fragrance’ without ACTUALLY LISTING the chemical. ‹‹‹— just keep re-reading that until it sinks in. THAT IS RIDICULOUS.

Scary fact: 
Many ingredients in "Fragrances" are KNOWN carcinogens as well as endocrine and reproductive disrupters (decreased sperm counts, birth defects, hormone disruption) and these 'fragrances' may also contribute to kidney and liver damage. Oh, and are you or your child an asthma sufferer? You just might wanna google the link between asthma and synthetic fragrance.

We all just want the best for our families, and this kind of deception makes me so sad for the millions of men and women who think they are buying safe "clean" products and emptying their pockets to do so! Let's ditch and switch them now- and opt for a safe, clean, plant based product that shows up at your door monthly.

What’s next on your “get out of my house” list?
Quick videos on S2S
Here are some videos I made to hopefully clarify.

Free Consultation

Let's chat! Set up a free 15-minute consultation with me to see what we can accomplish together.