Hi! I'm Lisa!

I'm known as the Oil Lady.  Because as a Native American living on an Indian Reservation foraging through the woods with my grandmother for berries, roots and leaves, creating home remedies, embracing essential oils was an easy transition.

It was a Tuesday after Easter, 20 years ago, I received a call from the school nurse to pick up my son.  She said he was coughing and could hear it in his chest, and that he should probably see a doctor.  As she was speaking, I heard a voice that said, pneumonia.  Honestly, I didn't pay much attention to it.

I brought him home, gave him a juice high in antioxidants to support his immune system, and oiled him up from head to toe.  He went and played in the—living room.  At lunch, he seemed to be heating up so I gave him the same juice and oiled him up.  He went to bed.  Every hour I would check on him and he was still heating up.  I didn't have a thermometer to check his temp, I just knew he was hot.  I oiled him up each time.  

I went to my oil book and searched everything on lungs, coughs, and respiratory issues.  I was scared because people were dying of pneumonia at home and in the hospitals.  He came out of his room and I shared that we might go to the hospital as I looked back at my book I heard, you have everything you need to take care of him, you have everything you need to take care of him.  To that, I said we are not going.  I closed my book, oiled him up, and brought him some water.

A couple more hours went by and again the fear took over.  All the what-ifs surfaced.  I went back to my book and started the research once more.  I had a lot of oils that were suggested for everything I was looking up.  I was new to oils and I was scared.  He came out of his room and again, I said, we may go to the hospital.  Again, I heard the voice, you have everything you need to take care of him, you have everything to take care of him.  I closed the book and oiled him up. 

I had to step out of the house for a bit and when I did everything fell apart at home.  He started crying because I wasn't there, which started a cascade of coughing to vomiting.  His older siblings also scared called grandma.  She rushed over and called the ambulance.  They saw I was already doing something that they wouldn't interfere with.  When I arrived home, shortly after, my mom was also worried.  She said the ambulance people thought it may be bronchitis or pneumonia.  That is all I needed to hear to trust what I heard that morning talking to the nurse.  

I pulled out my book and looked up a recipe.  I had every oil but one and put it in a bottle.  I applied to my son's back, chest, and feet from 6-10 pm when we all went to bed.  That morning he was his lively self, mind you he still had a cough and we continued the recipe on those same locations for the next couple of days before sending him back to school.

That was my testament to my faith, listening to that voice within and trusting what I was hearing, a test of the power of essential oils.   Essential oils are the lifeblood of the plant in that they can penetrate the body because of their small molecules and work in the body as nature intended them to be.  

Healthy Living

Creating an environment of health may seem like an overwhelming task, but let us assure you that it is achievable with a few simple steps. While we can’t just grab some  ‘natural’ products from the store (sadly these products aren’t healthy), we can create an online cart of oils and oil-infused products!

Ministerial Services

Creating customized weddings, funerals, and other life events that honor your personal beliefs and stories. With a deep commitment to understanding your vision, I weave together elements that resonate with your heart and soul, ensuring your occasion is memorable and truly yours. 

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy.

By combining 1 MHz electromagnetic energy with Bio-imitation magnetic energy, the THz Tera-P90 delivers a powerful therapeutic experience with a wide range of health benefits.

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Sanitation Solutions Portable Restrooms

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Viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est. Tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras fermentum. 

Mus mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel risus. Dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero. Convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis. 

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